Peer Support

Training Peers to Provide Holistic Care

Peer Support is designed to equip selected first responders within our partner public safety agencies to provide sustained, long-term support to their peers through formal and informal relationships that address psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Each will be trained to intervene at critical moments in a co-worker’s life, but more importantly, look to preventative solutions associated with issues plaguing first responders.

Peer Support Dog

Our Peer Support Program

Our approach involves more than simply training individuals to support others.  We have developed a comprehensive program that offers ongoing, hands-on guidance.

Our team will walk you through a peer team member selection process, train your team, customize policy, and provide sustained support.

Additionally, we ensure that the three core roles of a peer support system are functioning well.  This includes your Peer, a Mental Health Professional, and a Chaplain.

When you are faced with a critical incident that impacts your entire department or a personal challenge for one of your employees, we are there to back up your peer support team members with the resources to keep them sharp.

Core Training Areas

Shaping Identity and Character

Every helping incident requires a high degree of self-awareness on the part of the peer support team member. Understanding our own strengths, weaknesses, self-limiting behavior, past and present experience, values, and purpose are critical to remaining fully present to those seeking help. When we become aware of what we bring of ourselves to any situation the more effective we are at managing that “presence” and focusing on those we assist. You will be given tools to catalyze personal and relational priorities for yourself and others.

Facilitating A Critical Conversation

Skills of listening, asking powerful questions, and facilitating conversation lead to self-directed change on the part of those we support.  Each participant will learn to assist others as they navigate the growth that is necessary for health.

Developing Emotional, Psychological, and Spiritual Resiliency

First responders confront circumstances that have the potential to erode hope, relationships, faith, and calling.  Spiritual and emotional resiliency involves the ability to enlarge perspective by understanding how we engage our beliefs about ourselves and the larger world to confront challenges and relate to others. This course will focus on the questions and practices that cultivate a robust purposeful life.

Intervening in Crisis

The Peer Support Team is designed to sensitively intervene and assist in the lives of co-workers. The nature of a first responders’ work takes place in environments that expose them to traumatic events outside of their control.  Peer support team members will receive training provided through an approved International Critical Incident Stress Foundation course as a part of their preparation for working with others.

Mentoring Through Crisis

The Peer Support Team is designed for proactive intervention in the life of a co-worker, especially as it pertains to personal decision-making.  However, the nature of a first responders’ work takes place in environments that expose them to traumatic events outside of their control.  Each mentor will receive training provided through an approved International Critical Incident Stress Foundation course as preparation for working with peers.

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